Monday 29 October 2018

five facts on Antartica

the big chill and the big drill
Fact one 45 million years ago there were lush green forests in Antartica cool right or should I say hot
Fact two imagine running four kilometres a walk in the park right now 
imagine digging down four kilometres  thats how deep it is under the snow in Antartica
fact three their were birds called terror birds that were three meters     

fact four when the ice came  their was an ice sheet

fact five the ice spread so far that it streched further than NZ

Wednesday 12 September 2018

Wednesday 25 July 2018

writing goals term 3

my goal is is to learn to write all the basic sound and spelling patterns. in my writing

Spelling was to easy, because my spelling is great my new goal is to be able to get my ideas on paper so I can write better. and because I have lots of ideas. :)

Tuesday 24 July 2018

Reading goals term 3

My goal is by the end of term 3 I will be able to improve my skimming and scanning, to use in my every day reading to quickly get the main ideas.